St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

When Deep Gladness Meets Deep Hunger



For the past five weeks, we have been looking at words that float around our community—words like “saturate,” “feasting families,” and “telling a better story.” Words matter. They not only articulate realities, but they shape reality. From the day we are born, we are awash in a sea of words that inform us and form us. I have always watched in wonder as my seven children learned to speak with words and am still amazed as Addison tries on new words to express not only her wonder at reality, but also her displeasure.  Any community that exists—large or small, institution or family, team or club—develops a vocabulary that is unique to them and which expresses the things it values the most. If you are a stranger walking into a new gathering of friends, you quickly realize that they have a unique way of expressing both delight and displeasure—sayings, quotes, nicknames and common stories that have shaped the group. This is true of believing communities, as well—because we share not only the common vocabulary of “th