St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

Wise Pursuits



A new office meant blank walls in need of decoration. And that terrifies me. Not the blankness of the wall, but the infinite number of decorations from which to choose. Paralyzed by the options, I went with a quote wall that I could change as often as I’d like. My life after all, feels like a collection of quotes. Most of our dialogue around the house is a mixture of quotes from The Office, Parks and Rec, and Arrested Development. I considered filling my walls with some of the best: “His capa was detated from his body.” “Treat yo self!” “There’s always money in the banana stand.” But they were so deeply in my soul already that I didn’t need them on my walls. So I went with some meaningful quotes from some of the greats instead.Hanging behind my desk is a fitting quote for this season from John Calvin: "The whole world is a theatre for the display of the divine goodness, wisdom, justice and power, but the church is the orchestra, as it were, the most conspicuous part of it." If you’ve ever enjoyed a quality mu