St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

Wise Neighbors



The house next to mine stands empty. The family who dwelt there for the past four or so years – with whom we shared meals and celebrations, tools and toys – will be replaced by another very soon. For us, neighbors are not easily interchangeable units, but a special relationship. Yet before we allow ourselves to hope or fear who may next reside at our east, we take stock: Were we good neighbors? Did we represent Christ well to them? Treat them with dignity and honor beyond what simple good manners and the HOA covenant might demand? I hope so. At least I believe their assessment of us would be generous, were we to hand them an exit survey. Still, I wish I’d loved them better.  Scripture’s command to love our neighbors does, of course, mean more than just the people you share fences and streets with – but it certainly doesn’t mean less than that! The way we treat the people whose properties touch our own is actually a pretty reliable indicator of the way we treat all other people. Not that we have to become frie