St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

The Book of Wisdom: Subversion Technique



This summer we are in the book of Proverbs and calling it, The Book of Suburbs. That is, how do we subvert the wisdom of the place we find ourselves. I happen to like the suburbs—I have lived there most of my life. But the problem is, there are many assumptions about living in the suburbs that will deform our souls so that we will live as lesser creatures than God intended and never know the true thriving and abundant life Jesus talks about, if we do not ruthlessly question everything.            This week we are talking about how to get wisdom or training in wisdom. As my title suggests, wisdom is like a school we attend—it is a long, slow process. Everything about gaining wisdom for living life well is counter-intuitive to what we are immersed in daily. We can’t get wisdom or power through technique. We can’t push a button, we can’t take a pill, nor can we go to a weekend seminar. The dream of our age is power without effort, influence without engagement with real people, and everything we need to know stuf