St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

The Value of Wisdom



This summer we are considering the book of Proverbs. Why are we doing that, you might ask. Fair question. The title of our sermon series is called, The Book of Suburbs, as in: Because this is the place we find ourselves, how do we pull back the veil and really see what it is about our place that de-forms us. Proverbs is the true book of how to live and thrive in the suburbs by actually subverting the status quo and telling a better story of human thriving.  Strangely, in order to live well and love God, love people, and love life in our context (or any context, for that matter), we need more than Bible knowledge because the truth is that 90% of the decisions we make on a daily basis are not covered with a chapter and verse in the Bible. Think about it—the things that have vexed my soul throughout my life are questions for which there is no clear direction from the Bible. Things like: What is the best ministry context to use my gifts so that there is mutual thriving between pastor and people? What do I do when