St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

Between Beginning and Becoming: A Long Obedience



Happy St. Patrick’s Day! It is a shame it comes during our Spring Break Week…cooking corned beef for hundreds would be a blast! Oh well, such are the accidents of history. Speaking of Spring Break, Teri, Addy and I just got back in town a couple of days ago. We are glad to be out of the grind for a few days, as I am sure most of you are as well.             Anyway, we are back to Acts this Sunday, where we encounter the strangest thing – a passage about a boy falling asleep in church, along with a moving passage about Paul's charge to church leaders. As you know from last week, Paul is heading to Jerusalem but he goes north instead of south and revisits churches he has started, to encourage and strengthen them. Why? Well, because what happens between beginning in the Christian life and becoming a thriving disciple in Jesus has a lot to do with the kind of places we often find ourselves.             So, we will look at it this Sunday. Are we in the kind of place that will help us become more like Jesus? That i