St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

The Right Side of History



Start a RiotEvery time we do something “feasty” at St. Patrick, I inevitably hear someone say something like, “This is amazing; we should do this more often.” I love that response so much. This weekend, when it came up around the fire pits of the Men’s Retreat, I told the fellas that I personally do this all the time. They were a bit surprised, but it’s true. For one thing, the guys in my community group get together for “Smoking Club” several times a semester. Now, this is not a church program. It wasn’t my idea, I don’t have anything to do with organizing it, and it happens whether I can make it or not. A couple of our guys just caught the vision for gathering around fires for better food and deeper fellowship, and they started living it out for themselves. They didn’t ask permission; they didn’t wait for me to plan an official church event; they just set the table and extended invitations. Let me ground this in the Text.  Not long before the first Temple of Artemis was built at Ephesus, (more on that this