St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

But who are you?



Jim and I were just gearing up to feed a couple of packed-out lodges full of men this weekend at our Men’s Retreat. Part of the rationale for this gathering is what we sometimes call “subverting suburbia.” If suburban food is efficient, this is going to be decadent. If suburban schedules are hectic, this is going to be slow. If suburban relationships are competitive, these are going to be gracious. Why? Because we believe the gospel tells a better story than the world does about what it means to be a man who can thrive and become a blessing to those around him. Part of what makes that story so good is that it’s told not merely in Word but at Table. We’re going to taste and see something otherworldly. I’ve thought a lot this week about the danger wounded men pose to a community. For example, this Sunday we’re also resuming our Narnia book club with Prince Caspian. Talk about the potential for damage! In that story we see kingdoms at war, and not just two, but as many as six kings interacting with one another: