St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

The Cross in the Marketplace



Much has been written about how believers relate to the culture around them. Some look at the culture and say, “It is so evil, we will just withdraw.” Others tire of the tension between what God says is true and what the culture says is true, and so they just assimilate into it. Some look at the culture and are so furious they speak about it with either condescension or disgust. Then there are those who look at the culture and see much beauty in it; they are angry at the marred image, but long to see human thriving everywhere and, in compassion, seek to contend for the faith. How we see ourselves relating to the prevailing culture and thought modes around us will affect our posture toward it and will also inform our mission to the world. This week, we move from synagogue to market place, where we see Paul at Mars Hill. One thing about it, Paul marches into the center of cultural influence and plants the cross of Jesus right in the middle of it. How he meets and contends for the truth that he knows in Jesus is