St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

What Story is the Gospel Telling?



My mind was everywhere this morning. Teri and I were checking in this morning over breakfast about times for the Mardi Gras Feast at the church tonight; I was calling out spelling words to Addy while cooking sausage, pancakes and biscuits; and I was mentally going over the various places and tasks I had to do. Two were primary: pondering God’s work in Philippi and what story that new church there must be telling, and the three bottles of passion fruit syrup that I set out to put in my car to be part of a liturgy I would enact later to tell a story of deliciousness!  When I stepped outside, it was to a world of glory. Against the backdrop of a bleak and overcast winter day that is trying to push back what all nature is telling me—that spring is on its way—it was snowing! I pondered to myself as Addy opened the door for Piper to jump in—even nature is telling a story, and how glorious that I get to not only have a front row seat to watch it play out, but I get to participate in it. In Paul’s second missionary j