St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

In All Things, Charity



Are all cultures equal?  This feels like an insane question to pose, given the landmines of offense that could be possibly taken. (And if there’s one thing that defines our culture, it’s quickness to take offense!) Yet, in a pluralistic world like ours, it’s also an important thing to consider. Put another way, how do I love my neighbors with regard to differences in the stories we tell about ourselves?  One might start with Paul’s declaration to the Galatians that “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female.” Now, no one can conclude that Paul believed there weren’t actual important differences in these distinctions. In his other writings, we see that to be free is better than slavery. To be raised in a covenant home under the Torah is beneficial for cultivating righteousness. A man simply cannot be a mother. These were undeniably Paul’s positions on such issues. So, what does he mean when he implies that they don’t matter? Well, he of course refers to their