St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

The Birth, Care and Nurture of the Church



The church is the easiest thing in the world to cast dispersions on. Of course, it is! Why are we surprised? After all, it is the only institution in the world where you have to vow you are not qualified to gain admission. I have joined all manner of organizations in my life—Country Clubs, Rotary Club, a couple of Chambers of Commerce, etc. Everyone wanted a resume to see if I was essentially good enough, or the right caliber of person, to affiliate. And low and behold, to gain entrance into the church, you have to admit you are not worthy. So, of course, the church is easy to disparage.  However, as wayward and often wandering as she maybe—God loves the church! He calls it his bride and even died rather than lose her. As someone said, “the church is God’s plan A and there is no plan B.” This week we see Paul’s missionary impulse was not just to preach the gospel and see people converted, but to place them in covenant families. He actually goes back to places that had cast him out, vilified him, and even ston