St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

The Hard Edge of the Gospel



The thing about hard edges is, they will hurt you! Little ones are particularly vulnerable to hard edges. In fact, when we were having babies every couple of years, Teri and I would look for those hard edges in our home, where a little one might hurt themselves. When we found one, we did one of three things: we removed it, we fenced it off, or we put padded it so as to protect our toddler in case they fell. Well, try as we might, they still would find them. It is a wonder any child survives, isn’t it?            The gospel has a hard edge, as well – one might say the hardest edge of all – and yet, there is nothing you can do to protect yourself from it except choose to ignore it. The gospel cuts deeper than any truth we have ever faced, does it not? It asks you to die and be reborn. It asks you to humble yourself and repent, not just of your badness, but also of your goodness. In our text this week, we see that perhaps the hardest thing you ever do is not repent of your badness but of your goodness. In fact,