St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

The Hand of the Lord



We observers of January’s turn bear a resemblance to the two-headed Roman deity Janus: looking both backward and forward at once. From this vantage point, and with the Law’s tutelage, we are uniquely positioned to see who we have been, compared to who we were made to be. If we’re willing to see and say the truth, this confession can inspire resolution: to be a new creation in this new year. And that’s a noble desire! But this weekend will mark my fortieth New Year and I can only think of one resolution I’ve ever successfully kept. It lasted for about 15 months until Covid hit and good habits gave way to survival.  Now, this is not to say that I have not grown or matured in my life; it’s just that these things rarely happen as the direct result of willpower, triggered by a specific holiday. It’s more often a slog. And yet, we are a liturgical people, given to the observance of days. But we do this, not because it has a magical effect on us, but because our finite minds and hearts can’t hold the entirety of the