St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

An Unexpected Invitation



Nativity Scenes. What got me thinking about them was the story of one my daughters, Anne Rachael, buying one recently while in Mexico with her husband, Wesley. Telling about that led to an even more outlandish story from Josh about nativity scenes which I didn’t believe till verified. At both, I laughed maniacally and, to be truthful, you have to see that they often take part in the comedic. You will have to come Sunday to hear the full story on that one; but seriously, of the making of nativity scenes there is no end, and most homes have several of them. From ones that are very expensive to those paper ones made perhaps in Sunday School whose only value is sentimental, and everything in between. I was thinking about the characters that make up a nativity scene, particularly the shepherds, because they are the subject of our meditation this Sunday and for good reason. We are so familiar with the birth narrative that we don’t register the shock it deserves. Last week we saw the birth; this week, the birth anno