St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

Damascus Road



Damascus RoadSometimes you don’t need a unique sermon title, the very episode you are dealing with speaks for itself. That is certainly true Sunday when we see the book of Acts shift into a whole new gear. The conversion of Saul of Tarsus is like landing a whale. It is so significant, it is mentioned two more times in the book of Acts, and we get a few more details along the way. It is so significant that Paul will take center stage and become the main character in Jesus’ story. Admittedly, it has been hard to shift gears this week to ponder God’s work in redemptive history when the death of our dear friend Barbara Moore has been at the forefront of our hearts and minds. This week I have oscillated between tears, laughter, and wonder as I remember Barbara over the past 23 years I have known her and her family. Rarely have I see anyone deal with so much and yet with so much grace. She truly left the world a better place, as do all when love is operative because, “loves leaves a mark.” The funeral will be past