St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

Glorious Enough to Counterfeit



I have been back in the mundane for a couple of weeks now and about to find my sea legs. So, after a week of personal privilege, we are back to our fall study in the book of Acts. This week we come to the familiar story of Ananias and Sapphira. Remember them? They are the ones that are struck dead for what the text calls, “lying to God.” Essentially what happened was some members in this first community of believers saw something so profound and glorious that they wanted to counterfeit it. One thing I know is that you only counterfeit that which is glorious! For instance, you don’t counterfeit what is throwaway, like paper plates; you counterfeit that which you see as glorious—weighty, priceless, or beautiful. C. S. Lewis also says “glorious” means something like fame, approval or a good report. Ananias and Sapphira saw the overwhelming generosity that the gospel produced and tried to steal it. They wanted credit without the cross. They wanted the honor or acclaim that should have gone to God.