St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

The Beautiful Gate



My aunt Jody was a sign maker when I was a child. One of her biggest clients was the FedEx St. Jude Classic, where once a year she had the honor of participating in a truly iconic piece of signage. Fans will know that at “our” tournament, in place of the traditional “quiet please” signs, Southwind opts for a more culturally appropriate, “hush y’all.” It’s a local point of privilege that I hope we never retire. Yet, as bespoke as our vanity signs may be, the message is still the same as all the others: "pay attention, something big is near." I would imagine that if you compared the real estate dedicated to signs pointing travelers to Disney World to the square inches the Magical Place actually covers, there would be no contest. I’d also wager no one actually in Disney has ever spent time reminiscing about the signs that got them there. Why is it then that we are so often a people so obsessed with signs and wonders? Why did I as a younger man long with Habakkuk to see signs and wonders renewed in my own day?Fou