St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

Easter and the Restoration of All Things



About this time of year I entertain my doubts and pull them out and mull them over. As Charles Taylor said so eloquently, and I paraphrase, “In 1500 it was virtually impossible not to believe in God, while in 2000 it is virtually impossible to be believe in Him.” I bring out my doubts this time of year because Christianity is either true or it is not and the truthfulness of Christianity is bound up in the historical event we celebrate on Easter Sunday—the resurrection of Jesus.I ponder my doubts and wonder why I would believe something our age calls ridiculous. As scientific knowledge has drained the world of wonder, enchantment, and “thin places,” I want the story of the resurrection to be true, so I run back through all the rationality there is for believing that a dead man defeated death. I do this because, as Taylor says, our secular age does not make belief easy. And yet, as I ponder this question and rethink the rationality of the Christian Faith, it becomes clear again. It seems that if you really a