St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

The Descent into Greatness



One of the hardest gospel teachings we ever learn is that Jesus “came not to be served, but to serve.” Jesus turned the whole world on it’s head when he started saying things like, in his kingdom “the last will be first; to live you have to die; the greatest will be like a little child; to lead you have to serve; those who are humble God will exalt; etc. etc. etc.” Jesus came bringing a kingdom. And you can tell from just the small sampling of things Jesus taught that his kingdom, doesn’t look like the kingdoms of the world, or more specifically the culture we inhabit. And yet...Jesus also said that to live in his kingdom was to know true human flourishing. Jesus came to give you and me abundant life and for the next six weeks we will ponder that true human flourishing is not instinctual, nor can you pick it up in the places you work and live. It will be you becoming a servant not a celebrity. I will tell you that the tools you need are a basin and a towel to wash feet, rather than a scepter to rule. We will