St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

Baptism: For the Joy Set Before Us



So, we have a first this Sunday at St. Patrick, we are baptizing a bunch of babies and an older young man who is making a profession of faith. It is a first because we have so many babies that we can’t schedule them all on separate Sundays. I will confess to you the sentimental part of me hates this, especially since my little girl is one of many and doesn’t get to just stand out in all her glory on her baptismal day. But baptism isn’t really about that, is it? It is so much larger than that and yet strangely enough, I suppose the only one who will remember this day or the fact his pastor drenched him in water is our young man who is saying publicly, “Jesus is my King.” Matter of fact, not only will the infants never remember this day, they might even be downright irritated that a man in a big black robe would subject them to a bath when they are festooned in their best outfits and not properly naked. They might be even more offended when they look to their parents for relief and protection and their parents