St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

The War of the Woman, the Child, and the Dragon



So the waiting, the longing, and build up is almost over. This Sunday is the fourth Sunday of Advent and it just so happens it is on the eve of the Great Feast of the Nativity in which we celebrate the incarnation of God. There are some things in life I can’t get to the bottom of, fathom, or wrap my brain around and we have arrived at one of them again during this season of Advent. Every time I start to write about God coming into the world and taking our flesh I feel like I have run out of words, metaphors, and stories to “get at it” in all its fullness, wonder, and glory. It is truly one of those things that “passes understanding.” So that which my brain can’t fully take in and describe in words—my heart sort of grasps in awe and wonder.We are at the time of year of which T. S. Eliot says,“Signs are taken for wonders. ‘We would see a sign!’The word within a word, unable to speak a word,Swaddled with darkness. In the juvescence of the yearCame Christ the tiger” (Gerontion)We will ponder Revelation 12 in wo