St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

Advent Hope in the Wasteland



We begin Advent this Sunday. I am excited about talking about Advent through the book of Revelation. We are calling this series Advent Apocalypse. I know many people approach the book of Revelation with fear and trembling because it is, well, bizarre! But what brings Revelation down to earth is that it is a letter to a bunch of churches that are losing their way because the circumstances of the world are not going the way they thought they should. Sound familiar? So, in a real sense, John the author is first and foremost a pastor, and Revelation is a letter to help shepherd his people through the sin-soaked landscape of dragons, beasts, and things that can really hurt you––and hurt you bad.This week John peels back the veil and we see into heaven, and we see God’s perspective on how things are going in the universe. Along the way, we see truth God can and will use to electrify his people who are losing heart. I know for me personally, having lived in Revelation, marinated in Revelation, and having just been c