St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

Feasting is Kingdom Work



I think one of the things my wife, Allison, does best – and she’s multi-talented for sure – is to set a beautiful table. Whenever we host people in our home, she will transform our biggest room into a majestic banquet hall with one long table in the center, featuring all kinds of crystal and silver and pewter, complete with seasonal accents and vibrant, overflowing centerpieces. Care will be taken to ensure everyone’s place is well thought out, that the menu accommodates everyone’s needs, and that the mood and lighting are cozy. My job is generally to set up the table and chairs and then get myself and the kids out of the way for a while as she casts her spell, transforming our humble toy-encrusted domicile into this otherworldly temple, where the lines between the temporal and eternal seem to waver just a bit.Jim says all the time that the family dinner table is the most formative place to the human soul. The manners and social cues we pick up there have profound effects on our everyday interactions with the