St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

Losing My Religion



In the South when you get really ticked and you just lay into someone tooth and claw, you might describe that as “losing your religion.” It is a statement that means you have lost all civility, grace, and decorum—you are in a bad place and out of control. R.E.M made that popular and the writer was learning a new instrument when he come up with the lyrics. The same might be written by me when I am learning a new shot in golf.While losing one’s religion is typically not a good thing, this Sunday we will be talking about ‘losing your religion’ as a good thing! In fact, in the South the best thing that can happen to most people is to lose their religion. It might just be that religion is keeping more people from Christ than irreligious activity is! Jesus actually hated religion! Most of what Jesus had to say in the gospels is not setting up a contrast between true faith and irreligion, but true faith and religion. He said to the religious leaders, “You have heard it said, but I say…” So I hope to see you Sunday a