St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

The Game of Thrones



It is exciting because we are talking about one of the most important passages in the Bible, Colossians 1:15-23. It is important because it is a poem about Jesus—Jesus as the true King of the universe. Christianity sort of rises or falls on this sort of passage. This passage leaves no doubt that Jesus is not just a good man who was done wrong, a prophet who found a bad end, or a would-be Messiah who was killed. No, this passage portrays Jesus as the one to whom all creation owes allegiance because of his Deity and also because of his death on the cross for sin.To say Jesus is the true king has staggering implications for us today just as it did for the community who first heard these words. These words about who Jesus was took such hold in the imagination of this church and many like it, that slowly those who came under Jesus’ kingship subverted the throne that dominated their lives—Rome! This Sunday we are looking at Jesus’ rule and reign and then, for the rest of the book, we will look at how this works ou