St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

The Church Unleashed



This Sunday is Ascension Sunday. Jesus moves from death, burial, and resurrection to ascend into heaven on clouds of glory. Literally, it is a picture of Jesus being enthroned! He is elevated to the right hand of the Father to rule and reign till he brings all things under his Lordship. It is no accident that after spending 40 days with his disciples and mostly dealing with their doubts and fears and all the things we know that keep us from believing the gospel—it is at the point of his Ascension that we see the church unleashed. We see it literally go viral and spread like wild fire across the Roman Empire.It is a moving picture, it is a powerful picture, and it is also instructive. This Sunday for those of you not out of town (it is also Memorial Day weekend and a day we remember those who have served our country in the military!) we will talk about it. This is the conclusion of our Eastertide series of Jesus’ appearances and what an epic conclusion. From Acts 1 on, the world would never be the same. (So if