St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

Road to Emmaus



We start a new series this Sunday. We are in the Eastertide season of the church. Eastertide begins on Easter Sunday and runs till Pentecost Sunday, roughly the next six Sundays. At different seasons of the year we tend to focus on different aspects of Jesus' life. For instance, during the season of Advent we ponder who Jesus is in his unique person. He is the ‘incarnate’ son of God. I confess, it never gets old pondering the God-man, and looking with wonder at the God who would give up so much to make me his son. During the Easter season we ponder the work of Jesus, what he came to do - “heal all the brokenness of the world” through his death, burial, and resurrection.So for the next six weeks we are going to talk about the various appearances of Jesus after the resurrection. It is utterly fascinating! It is so fascinating that the whole case for a resurrected Messiah rests on the various eyewitness accounts of Jesus' interaction with real people in space and time. After the resurrection, Jesus didn’t just d