St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

Despising the Shame



I was going to write about something slightly different today, but as I was typing on the virtues of fasting I reached for my warm, frothy latte and realized something humiliating. Espresso with hot steamed milk is one of my favorite treats in the world and it’s been over a week since I’ve had one because I gave up dairy for Lent. You may be doing the math in your head and wondering what I’m doing drinking a latte on a Friday when I gave up dairy for Lent, and that would be an excellent question. Some of our more generous friends probably just assumed that I’m using soy or almond milk, but my wife would assure you and them that I would never stoop to participate in such vulgar sacrilege. I’m convinced the ancient Hebrews turned to cattle worship in part because the milk is just that good.No, I’m drinking a latte on a Friday in Lent because I accidentally ordered one and was halfway through it before I realized my mistake, and I’m not a legalist. I’ve got good theology that reminds me that there’s no condemnat