St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

The Silence of Jesus



If you are new to St. Patrick or come from a non-liturgical tradition, you might wonder why you are hearing about Lent, fasting, Fat Tuesday, and Ash Wednesday. You might even be thinking, do these things have anything to do with the gospel? Or, I thought only Catholics did those sorts of things? Or, is St. Patrick into “high church” stuff? Whatever your questions are, I am glad you are asking them. What once looked weird and mysterious to me is now bread and wine to me. So, I am glad if you are asking why St. Patrick is totally dedicated to a Liturgical Calendar which includes a season of fasting and rubbing death into your face. Let me start with our calendar.###Liturgical CalendarWhy do we celebrate special days and seasons in the church? Well, the short answer is this: we all have personal calendars that mark birthdays, anniversaries, and special events known only to our families. We all live by a civic calendar that has twelve holidays that determine our vacations and time off. We also have the Hallmark