St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

Tenderly Exiled



Have you ever gone to a Redbox and been amazed to see a flat out awful counterfeit version of a popular movie? I recently discovered a truly ludicrous "mockbuster" - the title and artwork were designed to fool the less discerning into believing they had rented the newest Disney hit. Nothing but disappointment in that house tonight. I shouldn't be surprised: for every true, good, and beautiful thing, there exists a counterfeit. This is even (especially?) true when it comes to the habits of grace. We have a true gift for the shaping of our souls in the cycles of feasting and fasting that have been handed down to us through the ages. Even a cursory glance at pop culture reveals the parody versions of these are binging and purging.Like feasting, binging is all about excess and extravagance. I’m not one to pine for “the good old days,” but anyone over the age of 20 remembers what it was like to wade through a season of television over several months, having even each individual episode regularly interrupted by com