St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

Fading Glory



This Sunday is the first Sunday after Epiphany, as such we ponder the promise of God that he would one day bring salvation to the nations. Typically when we think about Epiphany we think about the three wise men who came bearing gifts to the Christ Child. That act prefigured and foretold of what would happen after the death of Jesus - the gospel would go viral to all the nations!This Sunday and during the season of Epiphany we are in a new series called Privilege and Power and we will be looking at the books of First and Second Kings. It seems a strange title, doesn’t it? It also seems strange to preach through Kings, but I can’t wait to open up these books that unfold the story of Israel from the golden age of her history until the exile. I don’t know about you, but it is tempting to just kind of skim over the book of Kings when you are reading the Bible. I mean, there are two kingdoms, the narrative moves back and forth between the two, there is always a new king showing up, but also in this narrative we fi