Dr. Howard Smith Oncall

Why We Fear Clowns:  Best Of: Mar 2023



 Vidcast:  https://www.instagram.com/p/C5txiCDrV4j/ More than half of people of all ages admit to a fear of clowns or so-called coulrophobia. A survey of 987 participants by South Wales psychologists reveals that 53.5% of us have some fear of clowns,  Compare this with other phobias where 3.8% have a fear of animals, 3% have a fear of needles, 2.8% have a fear of heights, 2.3% fear weather, 2.2% fear closed spaces and 1.3% fear flying.   Those admitting coulrophobia were questioned further to discover the reasons for their fears.  The most common reasons included:  Bizarre facial features: exaggerated and distorted human features; inability to read a clown due to a mask or facial makeup. Unpredictable behavior. A previous disturbing interaction with a clown. Creepy clown stories in movies and on tv. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1109466/full   #clowns #fear #coulrophobia