Talking Facs

Engage Your Brain



Host: Mindy McCulley, Extension Specialist for Instructional Support, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension, University of Kentucky  Guests: Elizabeth Rhodus, PhD Sanders Brown Center on Aging and Amy Kostelic, PhD Assistant Extension Professor for Adult Development and Aging Season 6, Episode 41 This episode starts with a profound conversation around brain health, emphasizing the importance of hydration, engagement, rest and the roles they play in brain performance. We explore disease and the implications of various brain functionality disorders. Learn about the critical concept of cognitive reserve and the value of life-enhancing experiences in constructing a dense neural network, serving as a potential defense against cognitive diseases. Our experts touch base on the importance of social engagement, sensation, and physical activities, shaping a holistic approach towards brain health. For more information, click the links below: Sanders Brown Center on Aging   Are you caring for someone with dementia?