Weekly Economics Podcast

Will Brexit boost Britain's fishing industry?



Pro-Brexit campaigners have argued leaving the EU means Britain can "take control" of its fisheries. But what does Brexit really mean for fishing communities, and for the future of our fish stocks? This week, Ayeisha Thomas-Smith is joined by Fernanda Balata, Senior Programme Lead for Coastal Economies at the New Economics Foundation, Griffin Carpenter, NEF Senior Researcher, and James Wilson, a mussel farmer in Bangor, North Wales. We also ask NEF Principal Director for Policy and Advocacy Andrew Pendleton for his predictions and expectations of this week's budget. Enjoying the show? Tweet us your comments and questions @NEF! Produced by James Shield and Huw Jordan. This week's music: Dolphin by Candlegravity http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Candlegravity/Dolphin/ Fishing by David Szesztay http://freemusicarchive.org/music/David_Szesztay/Acoustic_Guitar/Fishing Lilywhite by Podington Bear http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Podington_Bear/Background/Lilywhite The award-winning Weekly Economics Podcast i