Scott Radley Show

Did City Council waste several hours debating something that's not their call? What's the response to the federal budget? & Why does coffee cost signifcantly more?



Who operates the LRT in Hamilton isn't a decision that will be made by the city council and yet they spent hours debating this very topic. Was that just wasted time? Guest: John Best, Publisher, The Bay Observer - Now that the federal budget has been announced, are we seeing a change in the polls in favour of the Liberals? What kind of response was garnered by the announcement? Guest: Dr. Lori Turnbull, Professor & Chair of Public & International Affairs with Dalhousie University - What's sparking this massive jump in the price of coffee? Do we need to keep importing coffee or can it be grown here? Guest: Dr. Sylvain Charlebois a.k.a. 'The Food Professor', Professor of Food Distribution and Policy, Director of the Agri-Food Analytics Lab, Dalhousie University