Which Murderer?

S6 EPISODE 43: Scientology Murders



In Which Murderer’s 43rd episode of Season 6, the girls cover Scientology Murders. Holly starts us off with the frustrating story of Lisa McPherson, before Mel goes over the also entirely preventable Elli Perkins case. Holly suggested this week’s topic - if she disappears search the Scientology ships! In this week’s episode the girls are lasagna filled, Holly is confused as to why it is ALL NAUTICAL, Mel likes people named Germany and the girls have some very strong uh-pinions on the Scientology organisation.Production, recording and post production completed by Holly has sent Consulting Producer Craig some Scientology applications to see if he is culty.Holly edited this week. All complaints should be sent directly to Mel while Consulting Producer Craig debates the merits of a cult vs having to deal with Holly full time.Big thank you to all our listeners for subscribing, leaving fantastic reviews and sending in great theme suggestions.WE HAVE MERCH!  www.whichmurderer.com - CLICK ON THE MERCHANDISE TAB FOR A