Healthy Families Made Easy With Dr. Jason Jones

Soothing the Senses: The Vital Connection Between Sleep and Chronic Pain Relief



If you have ever experienced chronic pain you know firsthand how difficult it can be to get a good night’s sleep. Sleep and pain appear to have a bidirectional relationship. For instance, many people say that their painful symptoms tend to be alleviated after a better night’s sleep. Therefore, if you are living with chronic pain, prioritizing sleep may significantly help in recovery. What is Pain? Pain is an unpleasant sensation that we experience when nerve receptors send a signal to the brain telling us something is wrong. Pain can be acute or chronic. Acute pain refers to pain that lasts for a short time, such as a broken bone that eventually heals. Chronic pain refers to recurring pain or pain that lasts for longer than a few months, such as lower back pain, arthritis, recurrent headaches, cancer pain, or fibromyalgia. Effects of Poor Sleep on Body Pain There is an unquestionable link between sleep and pain, with research evidence showing that the effect of sleep on pain may be even stronger than th