Eternal Durdles

[Video] BuildorBurn Goes 5-0's with JewelStorm #MTGLEGACY



Preslav aka buildorburn discusses the Grixis Jewel deck in Legacy. The deck aims to establish an infinite turn loop with Emrakul, the Aeons Torn using Coveted Jewel. Its got it all! Card advantage, mana advantage, stack superiority, and time & life total management. It has multiple versions, but the fetchland version with surveil lands and dual lands is favored for its ability to combat Delver and Rescaminator decks. The deck has a secondary plan with Fable of the Mirror Breaker and Phyrexian Metamorph. It can also use Chaos Defiler as a win condition. Takeaways The Grixis Jewel deck aims to establish an infinite turn loop with Emrakul, the Aeons Torn using Coveted Jewel. The deck has four main pillars: card advantage, mana advantage, sac superiority, and time and life total management. The fetchland version with surveil lands and dual lands is favored for its ability to combat Delver and Scapeshift decks. The deck has a secondary plan with Fable of the Mirror Breaker and Phyrexian Metamorph. Chaos De