Father Simon Says

Being Saved - May 3, 2024



Bible Study: (1:37) Who are the Apostles? 1 Cor 15:1-8 What does it mean to be saved?  Jn 14:6-14 How are we going to do greater things than Jesus? Letters: (23:32) - I'm so glad you're back Father!  (24:08) - What does St. Faustina mean by "my heart, my soul, my spirit" (27:35) - Revelations & Salvation  (29:24) - Latin Mass Q  Word of the Day: Vain (36:21) Callers:  (51:15) - How do I deal w/my attraction to women, as my older man in my 60s.  I'm married and have two sons (44:37) - He said, 'You need to have to be moved by the Holy Spirit, like wind moves the water,' could you explain? (47:40) - When the Magi told to go a diff way, where they martyred after that? (49:19) - Question about Paul, how his named changed from Saul to Paul?