Jonny Gould's Jewish State

117: Jonny goes to the Knesset to meet governing Likud MK: judicial reform, Arab Israelis and Iran



Jonny Gould’s Jewish State heads for the Knesset in Jerusalem and a couple of nights out in Tel Aviv, fresh from an eye opening visit to the Israel-Gaza border (scroll back one episode for that atmospheric discussion beneath an Iron Dome rocket launcher). I was part of an Elnet UK delegation, an organisation sharing democratic values and strategic interests between the Jewish State and the UK and Europe. Now let’s talk to politicians and an Iranian expert for a snapshot on regional and domestic issues. The white heat of judicial reform has seemingly pushed the general public’s concerns about the Palestinians into the shadows. I met Hanoch Milwidski MK on trying to bring Israelis back together although as a Likud member, he's highly critical of the protestors. Then it’s off to Tel Aviv to meet Iranian expert, Dr. Meir Javedanfar, who supports the JCPOA. What many in Israel and around the world regard as appeasing the Iranian regime, allowing them space and time to create a nuclear weapon! Why does he suppo