Jonny Gould's Jewish State

111: Trevor Horn: Adventures in Modern Recording, Buggles, “whiz bang” hits and old Jewish jokes!



This is my second sit-down interview with Trevor Horn and you’ll hear why it’s nothing like the first time. The previous one (episode 43) made an impression with Wikipedia’s editors, who included Trevor’s “I believe in Judaism, more than I believe in anything else” as a reference. On leaving last time, Trevor told me at the door, "no one ever asked me about that before". In this in-depth conversation about his life and career, Trevor talks about growing up as a post-war baby boomer in Hetton-le-Hole and how the family left the Durham village to secure their future in the more prosperous midlands (as my own family had done a generation before). We discuss Paul McCartney’s constant reinvention as the key to longevity and his own determination to keep working. Then there’s Rod and the magnificent orchestral album, his most recent production. Trevor also pays a touching tribute to his late wife, Jill Sinclair, “the first person who told me I was good. There’s also a couple of Jewish jokes she used to tell him too