Absolute Trust Talk

130: Exploring the OJ Simpson Estate: Probate and Creditor Claims



You know of the infamous murder trial involving OJ Simpson and the Goldman and Brown families that took place in the 90s. And in case you happened to miss the news, Simpson passed away recently, stirring up the family conflicts all over again. Here at Absolute Trust Talk, we have an affinity for celebrity estate drama, mainly because of the important estate planning lessons we can take away. While the exact details of OJ's estate structure remain unknown, the estate will probably undergo probate due to the presence of creditors. Listen in as we cover all the details we know so far and share some essential estate planning wisdom with you along the way. Time-stamped Show Notes: 0:00 Introduction 1:23 Here’s what we know about the executor handling OJ Simpson’s estate and the public statement made. 3:35 Next, we’re summarizing the current legal tension with the Goldman family. 5:33 The Goldmans want their rightful payout from the Simpson estate. However, much of his assets are tied up. 7:36 Listen in as we discu