White Horse Inn

The “Enthusiasts'' of Church History: From Montanists to Modern Day ``Prophets''



Martin Luther once said that, "Adam was the first enthusiast," and by "enthusiast" he doesn’t mean someone who is enthusiastic. The philosophy of enthusiasm is "god-within-ism," a belief and tendency to pit internal spirituality versus external texts, institutions, and authorities. In this episode, Michael Horton, Justin Holcomb, Walter Strickland, and Bob Hiller discuss how this "god-within-ism" has appeared in the church, from Montanists, to medieval monks, radical figures in the Reformation, Enlightenment philosophers, and contemporary movements today.   CHECK OUT THIS MONTH’S OFFERS: Praying with Jesus: Getting to the Heart of the Lord's Prayer by Adriel Sanchez. Become a Partner to support the work of White Horse Inn as we apply the riches of the Reformation to the modern church. Subscribe to Modern Reformation magazine. Our May/June issue is "This Isn’t the Reformation You’re Looking For," where we feature essays and articles about the “New Apostolic Reformation” (NAR) and how its vision of r