Got Clutter? Get Organized! With Janet

Unlocking Love: Conversation with Dr. Love



Welcome to "Got Clutter? Get Organized! in the episode we interview licensed professional counselor, Amazon #1 Best-Selling Author, and transformational life coach, Dr. Torri Love Griffin, LPC, AKA Dr. Love, as she dives deep into the world of love and relationships. Dr. Love engages in candid and insightful conversations about matters of the heart, drawing from her vast experience as the creator of the LiSENSE 2 DATE® Relationship Training Programs for Teens, College Students, and Adults. Dr. Love shares her personal journey and the profound moments that led her to dedicate her life to helping others find love and build meaningful connections. Discover the common pitfalls that can hinder your quest for love and learn how to overcome them to invite love into your life. Dr. Love offers valuable advice and actionable steps to ensure you're fully prepared for a healthy and fulfilling relationship. Peek into Dr. Love's organizational strategies, both in her personal life and her professional endeavors, to maximiz