Got Clutter? Get Organized! With Janet

Maximizing Productivity Through Office Decluttering: Insights from Carina Lawson



Join us in this dynamic episode as we engage with Carina Lawson – a business efficiency consultant, high-performance coach, and the visionary behind Ponderlily Paper & Planners. Carina's expertise shines as she unveils the transformative power of decluttering within the work environment. Discover the catalyst that led Carina to become a multifaceted professional, dedicated to streamlining businesses, empowering individuals, and fostering organizational excellence through her acclaimed venture, Ponderlily Paper & Planners. Intriguingly, Carina delves into the profound impact that clutter wields over us within our workspace. As a seasoned expert, she shares invaluable strategies that transcend mere tidying, elevating productivity, focus, and overall well-being in the work environment. Uncover actionable insights as Carina presents a treasure trove of methods to declutter at work, seamlessly integrating them into your routine to unleash unparalleled productivity. Her approaches serve as a beacon, guiding you tow