Got Clutter? Get Organized! With Janet

Unapologetically Organized: Embracing the Next Phase of Womanhood with Elle Nagy



Welcome to another empowering episode of Got Clutter? Get Organized!, where we have the honor of sitting down with the remarkable Elle Nagy, the passionate host of the Unapologetic Woman Podcast. Join us on a journey through Elle's life that led her to become a prominent advocate, mentor, and podcaster inspiring women across the globe. Elle generously shares the genesis of the Unapologetic Woman Podcast, uncovering the pivotal moments that ignited her fervor for empowering women. With heartfelt anecdotes and candid reflections, she unveils the core driving her mission – inspiring women to authentically embrace themselves without apology. Amidst celebrations of birthdays and life's seasons, Elle emphasizes the significance of shedding limiting beliefs that often hinder women's progress. She takes us on a transformative exploration, urging women to release self-doubt, societal pressures, and comparisons. Through this process, women can step boldly into their power, celebrating their uniqueness. Embracing one