Got Clutter? Get Organized! With Janet

Getting Organized For Government Contracting



Is government contracting on your list of goals for your business? Do you know the difference between and RFP and RFI? Did you know that organization plays a key role before, during and after you secure the multi-million dollar contract? Join me and Eileen Gadsden, MBA, CSE, Small Business Advisor as she shares insights into government contracting and the role being organized plays. Eileen B. Gadsden, MBA is a third generation military veteran and award winning entrepreneurial professional with over 15 years of success by providing solutions for business problems using finance, marketing and technology strategies .Eileen owns E-Region Enterprises, a strategic branding company that uses P.I.E. strategies to increase profit margins. She also served as President of BDPA Greater Philadelphia, a nationally recognized professional IT organization committed to reducing the digital divide through education, career development and professional networking. In 2013, Eileen was recognized by CBS Philly3 and the NAACP P