Got Clutter? Get Organized! With Janet

Home Organizing Tips For Adults With ADD



Getting organized at the top of your list for 2016?  Wondering how this will be the year when you struggle with ADHD?  Join me and Suzanna Kaye, A Space The Works as she shares techniques to get your home organized. Suzanna is a professional organizer filled with purpose and passion. After years of work as a business manager, CFO and Professional Organizer, she created A Space That Works Professional Organizing. Although she has always held positions that required high organizational skills – she was not born organized. Proof positive that if you truly work at it, and with the right tricks, anyone can become more organized! Throughout her young adult life, Suzanna struggled with organization. Through studies, trainings and research she learned how a “clutter-bug” who never seemed to have enough time or energy for anything can become happy, productive and at peace. That is what drives her – to help others overcome the same obstacles she had to fight so hard with. By sharing what she has learned and the resou