Got Clutter? Get Organized! With Janet

Sharing Space In Business, Love and Life



Have you been told lately to clean your work area?  When you are done reading the Sunday paper do you just leave it on the floor for days?  When you come home do you just throw your coat over the chair?  Join me and returning guest Beth Macy as she shares tips how we can work and live in harmony in a shared spaced. Beth is a successful consultant in the high technology sector, having worked for such companies as Lotus Development, Apple Computer and IBM. She is also a talented artist with her works in collections from New York to Australia. She is also a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC). Beth's creativity extends into many areas: writing, stained glass, oil painting and acrylics. Based in Massachusetts, she is currently working on a sequel to Many Worlds, Many Years. This podcast’s sponsor is a leading provider of audio entertainment and information.  Listen to audiobooks whenever and wherever you want. Get a free book when you sign up for a 30 day free trial at